Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Sydney author Rosalind Bradley will be talking death at the New Church in Roseville, Friday 23 rd February 2018, 7:45pm,

One of the cornerstones of my creativity system is to go to author talks and lectures. It's incredibly stimulating for the creative mind,  you get to meet some fascinating people, and you can absorb new and interesting ideas.

I am also a really big proponent of dealing with death in a mature way, and I think it's something we really don't do very well in Australia.

So I am very excited to announce that my friend Rosalind Bradley is talking about her book A Matter of Life and Death at the New Church in Roseville in February.

I am definitely going to this event, and I think you should too - it looks fascinating:

Swedenborg Association of Australia, Friday 7:45pm, 23rd February 2018
at the New Church
4 Shirley Road, Roseville

$5 members, $7 non-members/concession

The Circle of Life

Presented by author Rosalind Bradley

Ros  talks  about her latest book for  which  she collected 60 amazing stories from a fascinating range of people from all walks of life.
Sharing their unique insights and wisdom about death and dying using  a chosen image  or  passage which best expresses death for  them,  they reveal that beyond  the  heartache
and mystery of death lay invaluable lessons on how we live our lives.

About Rosalind

After  life in  the  UK,  Ros  had an  eclectic  career from teaching in remote  Papua  New  Guinea to
freelance  marketing  in  Sydney.
She  worked for charities including  The Fred Hollows  Foundation, was Board  Member  of  The  Asylum  Seekers  Centre  of  NSW, and Eremos, a forum for exploring Australian spirituality.  Her  interfaith interest was triggered while in London during the 2005 bombings, resulting  in  her book Mosaic: Favourite  prayers  and  reflections.

Her mother’s death sparked a curiosity into death leading her to compile A  Matter  of  Life  and  Death.

A volunteer  biographer  at Sacred  Heart  Hospice  in  Sydney,  Ros also worked  with  PalliativeCare NSW and their Volunteer Program.

More SAA events info at

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