Oh dear.
Here is the pile of books I need to knock over for June. There are actually more - these are just the new ones. No wonder I get to feeling a little anxious. Anyway, from the top:
The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer - I bought this one at the books stand when I took my mum to Dr. Brian Weiss' day-long workshop in Sydney. I quite enjoy Dyer's recent work, and find his drift towards a more overt religious expression quite interesting. And I love this kind of large-format Hay House production.
4 Dale Carnegie books - The Leader in You, Pathways to Success, How to Enjoy Your Life & Your Job and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Rich Brother, Rich Sister by Robert & Emi Kiyosaki - One is a stock trader the other a Buddhist nun. I love the conceit of this book, and it almost perfectly describes the trajectory of my thesis. I have been wanting to read it for ages.
Worshipping Walt by Michael Robertson - I heard the author being interviewed by Ramona Koval on ABC Radio National's The Book Show ages ago, and it sounds absolutely fascinating. An account of the bizarre people who gathered around Walt Whitman and became his acolytes.
Prayer & Living Without Fear by Ernest Holmes - Now that I have finally finished The Science of Mind I can probably start reading Holmes' other books more closely.
Pragmatism by William James
The Art of Spiritual Healing by Keith Sherwood - My chapter on self-help and health is coming up soon.
Personal Development for Smart People by Steve Pavlina
Success is Not an Accident by Tommy Newberry
Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy - I have doscovered that Brian Tracy is one of the clearest and most concise communicators of self-help currently working. Even in my cynicism I find myself called to action by his books. This one will fit into my business chapter.
Representative Men by Ralph Waldo Emerson - This will come in handy because I am delivering a lecture next month on Emanuel Swedenborg's influence on self-help writing, and Emerson includes him as one of his Representative Men.
Essays and Aphorisms by Arthur Schopenhauer - I have only recently discovered Schopenhauer. Of course, I have always seen his name bandied about, but once I finally started reading him I couldn't believe how practical and "self-help" his philosophy was. Quite a fascinating figure.
New Religions and the Theological Imagination in America by Mary Farrell Bednarowski
Evil Plans by Hugh MacLeod - I have heard this one being discussed on many of the podcasts I listen to. Actually, this one is more for pleasure/interest.
Steering by Starlight by Martha Beck
The Tyranny of Guilt by Pascal Bruckner - Promises to be a controversial read.
Stoking the Creative Fires by Phil Cousineau - Also because I am researching a possible book on creativity.
Daily Word for the Spirit by Colleen Zuck - Also a Unity FM Hooked on Classics book that I have to catch up on.
The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse by Debbie Ford.
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